Tuesday, April 11, 2023

An article with a title “Pharmaceutical amorphous solid dispersion: A review of manufacturing strategies” from Dr. Tony Zhou’s group received Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (APSB) 2022 High Impact Paper Award.  APSB is a leading pharmaceutical journal (IF 14.9) that publishes significant original research articles, rapid communications and high-quality reviews of recent advances in all areas of pharmaceutical sciences. This article is listed as Top 1% High Cited Paper in Pharmacology & Toxicology by Web of Science as of April 2023. IPPH PhD student Sonal Bhujbal is the first author of this article. This paper represents a collaborative work with scientists at BMS and Dr. Lynne Taylor at IPPH.

The full article is free-access here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211383521001805

Another article co-corresponded by Dr. Zhou published in Pharmacological Reviews (73:2, 679-728), is also highlighted as Top 1% High Cited Paper in Pharmacology & Toxicology by Web of Science as of April 2023. The article with the title “Rescuing the Last-Line Polymyxins: Achievements and Challenges” was selected as the cover story of volume 73 issue 2 in this top pharmaceutical journal (IF 20.0). This paper is a significant outcome of long-term collaboration between Dr. Zhou and researchers at Monash University of Australia.

The full article is free-access here: https://pharmrev.aspetjournals.org/content/73/2/679.full