Photo of Hyunyoung (Young) Jeong
Hyunyoung (Young) Jeong
Phone: 765-496-0852
Specialization: Gut microbiota, preclinical and clinical pharmacokinetics, precision medicine
B.S. Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1994
Pharm.D. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2001
Ph.D. Pharmacokinetics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2004

Dr. Jeong’s research interests include identification and characterization of factors that modulate drug disposition and drug responses to provide a knowledge base for precision medicine. She has studied the effects of pregnancy and genetic polymorphisms on drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics. Her most recent work focuses on how gut microbiota (a collection of trillions of microbes in the intestine) affects host responses to drugs. In close collaboration with Dr. Hyunwoo Lee (a microbiologist), Jeong lab has been identifying genetic/biochemical factors involved in gut bacterial drug metabolism and the alteration of host physiology, by using experimental tools in pharmacology, molecular biology, and bacterial/eukaryotic genetics.

Lab Members
Abigail Taylor (Abbey) Armstrong (Research Assistant (Jeong lab))
Pei-Ru Jin (Graduate Student with Dr. Hyunyoung Jeong)
Landon James Wakeman (Research Assistant)
Kyoungjae Won (Senior Research Associate with Dr. Hyunyoung Jeong)

PHRM835 Pharmacokinetics