Photo of
Name: Tonglei Li
Title: Allen Chao Chair and Professor of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy
Office: RHPH 124B
Phone: 765-494-1451
Lab: RHPH G23 east
Lab phone: 765-494-4153
FAX: 765-494-6545
Address: Heine Pharmacy Building
575 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2091
Official web page:
Lab Members: Koushiki Basu (PULSe Graduate Student with Tonglei Li)
Venkata Sai Chelagamsetty (Graduate Student w Tonglei Li)
Jiaqing Li (PULSe/IMPH PhD student w Dr. Tonglei Li)
Peace O. Umoru (Graduate Student with Dr. Tonglei Li)